Monday 21 March 2011

Entertainment & The Internet

Thanks to the internet it is no longer the case that people have to go to the cinemas to see a movie or a music store to find new music. The internet allows for all these things and more to be done online. Even though having everything in one place, such as the internet, is convenient and often free to access at a click of a button, it does, as the Steven Levy reading points out, take the thrill out of such activities.

In my opinion this is very true, as the Levy explains finding, for example, an underground band is so easier to do through the internet that soon enough the band becomes mainstream and thus no longer ‘cool’. As much as I agree with this statement I couldn’t help but to think of how the internet has really fast tracked globalization. With the internet, people can acquire movies, television shows, music, news etc. from the other side of the globe.

This is in my view one of the best things to come out of the internet. It has broken down the barriers of time and space. I can’t deny that I love having the ability to be entertained by something I wouldn’t ordinarily find in Australian mediums. 


Levy, S. (2006). The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture and Coolness, New York: Simon & Schuster, pp. 21-41

Singh, M. (2008).  Bollywood's Viral Video in Time International (Canada Edition), Vol. 171, Issue 14 . Available online at:,8599,1713342,00.html

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